What era is he referring to……?

What era is he referring to……? July 18, 2004

Read Dan and find out:

“The world is dominated by a single economic and military superpower. Her armed forces are several times bigger than the nearest competitor. Her multinational corporations dominate the global economy. Her culture, technology and ideas have been spread across the globe, as has her political influence.

Yet, there exists an underdeveloped region of the globe, which, despite having vast natural resources, lacks much of the economic and political infrastructure of the more developed nations. This region is made up of a number of states, each one competing with the other for dominance. Their governments are unrepresentative. Their people are poor by comparison with others. Our superpower has major interests in this region and seeks to protect those interests by military means.

There is a growing sense of resentment among the population of the region. This is made worse by the presence of those with an unconventional interpretation of religion, who would seek to stir up the population against the foreigners idolaters……’.”

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