ESV copyright notice and graphic

ESV copyright notice and graphic April 20, 2005

I decided I would like to show my support for the ESV by including a copyright notice and graphic. If you would like to use the same notice, here is the code for it, simply copy and paste the following into your template somewhere-

<p><a href=””><img width=70 align=right valign=bottom src=””></a>

<span lang=EN style=’font-size:6.7pt;
mso-ansi-language:EN’><em>Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
<br /><b>see the <a href=””>ESV Interview </a> for more information</b></span>

To include the ESV search box, simply use the following code-

< !– Begin BIBLE (ESV) Search –>

<form name=”esvsearch” method=”get” action=””><h4>Search or read the Bible</h4> <label for=”esvsearchtext”>Enter words or a passage</label> <input name=”q” type=”text” id=”esvsearchtext” size=”15″ maxlength=”64″> <input name=”go” type=”submit” id=”search” value=”Go”> <br /> <small>Example: <em>John 1</em> or <em>love one another</em> (ESV)</small></p></form>

< !– End BIBLE (ESV) Search –>

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