Churches that are multicultural change the world

Churches that are multicultural change the world May 23, 2005

Churches that are truly multicultural are few and far between today. I am thrilled to be in a church in London which genuinely is not monocultural. We represent our area well and have people from many nations a part of us. I believe this approach is biblical- in Acts its says that there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who on coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists Acts 11:20

The believers did not try and start a new Greek church to focus exclusively on the needs of Greek believers. I fear for our churches today which so often are either filled with people of only one age group or one race.

It is my belief that the local church should be a reflection of the global church of Christ which is itself called upon to demonstrate the “multi-coloured” wisdom of God.

Such churches are the scourge of racism and provide a fantastic opportunity for us to break down our own prejudices and barriers.

Previous posts on churches that change the world
Churches that change the world- Part 1
This series is based on a sermon I preached entitled “What kind of churches change the world?”

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