Calling ALL Christian Bloggers- Blogdom of God has a major overhaul happening as we speak…..

Calling ALL Christian Bloggers- Blogdom of God has a major overhaul happening as we speak….. June 12, 2005

UPDATE– Blogdom of God became unmanageable and so is not currently operational.

Watch out later this week for a MAJOR exciting development in the Blogdom of God Alliance. It is top secret and you will hear about it just as soon as I can tell you! This development should really enable us to work together as Christian blogs of all flavours!

One thing that I can tell you is that the size of the Blogdom of God Alliance which I administrate over at TLB is going to explode dramatically. I have now gathered over TWO and a HALF THOUSAND blogs which appear to be “christian”. I am now trying to establish if there are any I have missed, or indeed if I have made any mistakes in including anyone!

If possible, I would love you to highlight on your blog that I have made an announcement that an important change is imminent, and that I am calling for lists of URLs of Christian blogs to be sent to me- if anyone is willing to collate such a list and roughly check it before sending it on that would be great, otherwise just tell them to send lists straight to me. I am much keener to receive lists rather than individual blogs for obvious reasons.

I am also looking for volunteers to make sure that I havent included any blogs that are obviously inappropriate- if I ask the NZ Bear nicely he may even let me allow those volunteers a sneak pre-view of what is going on so that we can avoid embarrassment at launch.

Please, if you have a christian blog, can I urge you to consider a link to this post- I really need to make sure I have as complete a list of as many christian blogs as possible right now for the next phase of the Blogdom’s development. I am looking for any other christian blogs that may be hiding out there. Please, if anyone has access to a list of christian bloggers I may not be aware of, send me an email with the list of links contained in it. If you are already in an aggregator, blogs4God, or Evangelical Outpost’s list I probably already have you on my list to add in the next few days.

Already you may have noticed that the Blogdom of God blogroll was becomming longer than it had previously been. In the next day or so, several hundred “God blogs” will be added to the Blogdom of God Alliance. If you currently have the Blogdom of God Alliance blogroll, you will be relieved to know that from now on only the first 250 blogs will appear there. We have had to limit the size of the blogroll, but even if your blog does not appear on this list, there are other exciting benefits of being in the Alliance to be announced shortly.

The Blogdom of God aggregation services at the original site and blogdigger will continue to work. If you would like your posts to appear there, please join one of the aggregation services who are themselves aggregated there. If one of them does not suit your blog, why not start your own? Email me for more information about running an aggregator.

Also, anyone who has already got an aggregator please can you update your joining instructions, mentioning the fact that membership also includes blogs in the Blogdom of God (if relevant) and send me a link.

The majority of aggregators do not have clear joining instructions currently (including the B of G!). Whenever you do a major update from now on, please send me your complete list of blog urls (it doesnt matter if there is duplication) and I can then add them on mass to the blogdom of God alliance.

Whether you have the Blogdom of God Blogroll on your site or not, do consider adding your own selection of links to Chrisitan blogs taken from the blogdom of God and elsewhere. The blogdom is also available at blogdigger. Do link to as many christian blogs as you feel comfortable with as the more linky love we share around the better! There are a number of lists that are maintained by others that you can include- again if there is a list that you maintain please let me have a URL that explains the list and includes the code for people to add that list to their site.

If you do already have a list of christian blogs, and think that some of them may not be in the blogosphere, send me the urls including http:// in an email and I will add them. Please put Blogdom of God additions in the title of the post. If you find a blog that should not be in the list in your view (or you own a blog you want removed) please email me with Blogdom of God removals in the title.

In particular I would like to welcome some stalwarts like Evangelical Outpost and La Shawn Barber to the alliance who had previously not been able to become a member of the actual blogroll as they were very correctly keen to continue in other alliances at Truth Laid Bear. It is now possible to be in more than one alliance over there.

Keep coming back here for the announcement later in the week of something that is going to be incredibly exciting! I can barely contain myself with anticipation……..

More information about revised membership criteria

Meanwhile, if you want to include the blogdom of God alliance list on your own site simply include the following code in you site anywhere-

<script language=”javascript”

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