Calling all reformed charismatic bloggers

Calling all reformed charismatic bloggers November 21, 2005

I am working on a list of Reformed Charismatic bloggers- if you are one and would like to be included in such a list please let me know. If you arent one and I have included you as one by acccident, please also let me know! I will post more about this probably later on to day, for now its off to work I go!


This seems to be an idea of the moment. God is clearly doing something in gathering us reformed and charismatic bloggers together. I am so excited that requests to join are positively flooding in!

It is a good time for this to happen especially with the Charismatic /cessationist debate continuing to mushroom. (The link takes you to the Google Blog search feed which is probably the best way to keep up to date with it)

To those of you who have asked to join, I will ask one of my helpers Scott or Diane to help in a basic check of the blogs and to add you.

Please can you also promote this on your blogs. A link and/or a blog post would be fantastic right about now. I am sure there are more out there who would love to be in.

As far as definitions, I dont plan on giving people a theology exam (or for that matter ask them to speak in tongues over google talk!) to decide whether to admit someone or not – essentially we will have to rely on folks to be honest about whether they shoud be described as both reformed and charismatic. A good rough guide on the reformed side might be the entry requirements for the league of reformed bloggers, which incidently I would encourage you to join as well!

If you would like to include the complete list of Reformed and Charismatic blogs on your own site please simply include the following code in your template:

<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”″></script>

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