What Does a Sovereign Grace Church Look Like?

What Does a Sovereign Grace Church Look Like? November 30, 2005

Ryan Jones has a great post describing what his reformed charismatic church meetings look like. To be honest though theres a large part of me that says “You really have to be there”.

I would encourage those who really want to know what this is like to find a Sovereign Grace, newfrontiers or other reformed charismatic church and visit one sunday- most of us can get at least one sunday off our own meeting.

For me one of the biggest differences is the feel of the worship. These days its not so much the songs we sing (as almost everyone seems to be using our songs!) as the passion with which they are sung and for me anyway the strong sense of the presense of God in the room.

Do you feel that there is another Being in the room in your church as you worship? Do you have a sense that anything could happen? Pr even, as I long for but have experienced only very rarely is there a sense of both the joy of the Lord and his holiness that makes you want to weep or laugh and begin your Christian walk all over again?

Do you feel satisfied with the state of the Church today or are you desperate for a greater touch of Gods Spirit to restore to us something of the supernatural feel of the great Revivals of the past?

A wise old man once said to me when I was not at the time going to a newfrontiers church but was thinking of coming back to the church of my youth “But Adrian, I hope you wouldnt be satisfied in our churches either”

Is there a hunger in your heart for more of God? If so you might make a good Reformed Charismatic

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