T4G Panel Discussion

T4G Panel Discussion April 27, 2006
andreas04: is clearly as fast a typist as Tim – he shares some fantastic quotes from the panel discussion – I have nicked a load of them here, but there are more over at his place as well! These quotes are just amazing!

“We can get a problem when we use terms from the Bible as jargon: We say saved salvation, but the Bible uses every tense (past, present, future) of the Greek word, so salvation applies to all of redemption from justification to santification to glorification, but we often confusingly use the word salvation when we mean justification. We are getting into trouble because evangelicals are starting to use the word justification the way the Romans use it. ” (Sproul)

“Evangelicalism today is largely antinomian in its morality, and people are trying to redress the problem by redoing the doctrine of justification, as if the doctrine is the cause of our current low morality (which it is not).”

“The biggest issue for most churches is easy-believism, where decisional evangelism gives you a false promise and a false assurance, where justification is assumed.”

“If the average evangelical pastor would be held captive by terrorists and would need to give an adequate definition of [?justification] to escape alive, well, we’d have a lot of dead pastors.” (Mohler)

“I preached a sermon on Romans 12:1-2 entitled “Don’t give your heart to Jesus; He wants more than that! (Duncan)

“Salvation gets reduced to an emotional experience which is mere affection for Jesus; there is nowhere in the Scripture that we are saved by mere affection for Jesus”. (Mohler)

“Who’s afraid of the wrath of God when we preach that God loves us unconditionally?” (Sproul)

“Sin and the wrath of God go together; you can’t have a Biblical doctrine of sin without the wrath of God.” (Mohler)

“Most of the people who soft-pedal sin think the sin problem is a problem without, and not a problem within.” (Mohler)

We believe in sin, but it’s not a big deal, Jesus already took care of that on the Cross, we want to focus on people having a dynamic life now. (Quote from a televangelist)

“People have a stilted view of sin. We have a responsibility to show the ugliness of sin. Start with the misery that sin brings, then bring it back to the sin, and show how that sin looks to God. ” (Duncan)

“If you look back to the Puritans, they preached sin to believers, they preached mortification, and that is missing now.” (Mohler)

“Pastors think there must be a light tone thoughout the message which makes it impossible to discuss serious matters such as sin.” (Dever)

“We read one of the Commandments each Sunday at our church. The Law drives us to the Cross, and continues to reveal to us what is pleasing to God and shows us His character.” (Sproul)

“The most insignificant sin that has ever been committed would ruin the entire cosmos, for it would mar the perfection that God created to reflect His glory. We steal God’s glory by every sin. We do not grasp the weight of our sin. Until we can bring home the ugliness of sin, Satan has another weapon in his locker. “ (Duncan)

“The single most important thing I do to awaken people to the gravity of sin is to increase their understanding of the character of God.” (Sproul)

“Hybels polled people and found people left church because they were bored; well, there is no record in the Bible of anyone personally encountering God and being bored. Our job is to present God in the fullness of His character.” (Sproul)

One of the most effective evangelistic series our church has ever done is when I preached through everyone that God executed for sin.” (Mahaney)

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