FREE BOOK COMPETITION – What's The Most Popular Post On My Blog?

FREE BOOK COMPETITION – What's The Most Popular Post On My Blog? February 26, 2008

The queries have started coming in. Readers are e-mailing me, wanting to know:

  1. Have I forgotten about the series of republished popular posts?
  2. What is the number one most-read post on this blog?

The suspense is building up . . . !!

So I’ve decided to launch a competition, offering four free new Christian books to the winners. The competition question? It’s simple. As of now, which post is currently the most frequently read post on my blog? (There are only 2,990 or so to choose from!)

The first two bloggers who post the correct guess (with a link back to this post) will each be declared a winner and receive a Christian book through the mail. Two more books will go to the first two correct e-mail guesses. If there are fewer than two bloggers or e-mailers with the correct answer, the free books will switch to the other group. If no one gets the right answer, I will select some winners in a quasi random way (so don’t sue me!).

Get thinking, and feel free to enter more than once! E-mail the post URL to, or write your guess on your blog.

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