My 3,000th Blog Post

My 3,000th Blog Post March 14, 2008

3,000 posts—that’s some kind of milestone, I guess. It means that while I may not have been blogging for as many continuous days as Challies, I have been cranking out posts at an average rate of over 1.6 a day for almost five years despite my intermittent blog breaks. I thought that I would comment on the 1st Warnock Blog Entry, which appeared on April 16, 2003.

Hi! This is Adrian Warnock here beginning his blog. Quite why I am starting today is anybody’s guess, but I think it’s something to do with being at the point of major change in my work life. Of course, the world is in flux right now also, and I guess the deluded part of me thinks that, at the very least, I would like to be able to read my thoughts again at some point in the future. Maybe these blogs will be like diaries used to be? But then, who keeps a diary these days? I did keep one years ago. It would be nice to be able to show my children these musings when I am old and grey, assuming that I make it that long, of course!

I really don’t know how regular a blogger I will be, but if my own sudden interest in other people’s blogs is anything to go by, then I might be surprised how many people are interested in the witterings of an aging psychiatrist in London UK. There is something very personal and appealing to the nosy part of me (and believe me psychiatrists are nosy (of course we are!!) about blogs. So maybe someone out there will find this interesting. It will, no doubt, be a ragtag bundle of thoughts, links, news that interests me, and quotes. I guess a blog is putting part of yourself out there for all to see. It almost makes you feel like you are making something immortal. Kind of like bringing a child into the world and doing your bit to counteract future underpopulation in the western world. Maybe blogs are surrogate children for all those childless net citizens. Which kind of begs the question—What is a father of four doing producing one?!

Being a father, I will no doubt bore you all silly at times with funny tales about the kids. I may also muse about psychological suffering, wonder how the Bible can be applied to 21st century life, and generally chat. Now chat is something I’m good at!!! Although this is my first blog, it is not my first website. Sermons and articles that I and others have written are available at Jubilee Church which is the church I am proud to attend. Why not pop over there, take a look, and mail me about something and we will get this show on the road!

Thinking back I really had NO idea what I was letting myself in for, either in terms of the change that was coming to my work life (something that I deliberately do not talk about on my blog) or what blogging itself would entail. I think that my motivation of having something to show my children in years to come and leaving some kind of mark behind me is still very much there. I still tend to think of my blog readers as being my friends or family members, which is why I still bore you with stories (and even videos) of my five kids and our trips.

Oddly, I have rarely mentioned psychological or psychiatric issues on the blog, partly because of my desire to keep work and blogging entirely separate. Maybe one day I will speak about Christians and psychiatry. For now the closest I have come to addressing those issues was an old series on Christian counseling.

One massive benefit for me in my off-line social relationships has been the outlet that blogging has given me for all my pent-up ideas and thoughts. I am now so much better at keeping a cork in the bottle of sparkling wine that is my brain and mouth. So, I hopefully don’t bore people in the real world quite as much as I used to! There’s a thought—“Start a blog—become less of a bore!”

I’m glad that I’m still part of the same church, living in the same city, and married to the same wife as I was when I started out on this adventure called blogging. Three thousand posts later, I’m sure that no one individual has successfully managed to endure every one of them. Someone started on that marathon effort once. They quietly gave up roughly half-way through, I think! Blogging has helped me no end, especially in thinking through issues and understanding other perspectives far more than I ever did before. I never knew how much hard work it would be. But I have never regretted it. Not everyone should start a blog. Not everyone should continue a blog. But from my own personal perspective, I’m so glad that one day I was able to start and could have said, if only I knew—“One down, only 2,999 to go!” But this will not be my last post, so here’s to the next 3,000 posts. I’ll keep writing as long as you keep reading!

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