NWA08 – Remembering What Really Matters

NWA08 – Remembering What Really Matters April 9, 2008

Imagine my delight to read this post on my darling wife’s blog. It was very kind, slightly cheeky, and brought real joy to my heart. It is easy to feel disconnected from the real world while at a conference. But just in case I needed a reminder of the fact that my real delight is back at home with my family, the surprise of seeing such lovely words from my delightful wife was more than adequate.

Family really does come first for me, and so should they. I am so thankful to God for Andrée and for all she does to enable me to do what I do, and to care for the precious five children. I hope that being here will help me to be a better husband and father when I get home. If I didn’t believe that, I would not be here right now. I look forward to seeing them real soon!

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