Ten Things That Please God In Worship

Ten Things That Please God In Worship May 12, 2009

Sam Storms writes on worship in More Precious Than Gold, 50 Daily Meditations on the Psalms (Crossway Books: Wheaton, IL 2009), 180-184.

Sam reports how a man once approached him and told him, undoubtedly sincerely, that he was uncomfortable with the way Sam worshiped. Sam’s reply? “I’m certainly open to correction, and I’m sorry you were offended, but I’m not particularly concerned with what puts you at ease. When the day comes that you are the object of my praise and adoration, I’ll pay a bit more attention to what makes you feel comfortable. Until then, I’m primarily concerned about what pleases God.”

Sam wisely shares 10 guidelines for the kind of worship that pleases God:

(1) Worship that pleases God is perpetual and constant (Psalm 92:2)

(2) Worship that pleases God is instrumental (Psalm 150)

(3) Clearly God delights in joyful worship (Psalm 92:4)

(4) Worship that pleases God is grounded in the recognition and celebration of his greatness (Psalm 92:5)

(5) Worship that pleases God is both loud and logical . . . Note well that worship here [in the Psalms] entails noisy songs.

(6) Worship that pleases God is physical (Psalm 95:6)

(7) Worship that pleases God is fresh and creative. (Psalm 33:3, Psalm 40:3, Psalm 96:1, Psalm 98:1, Psalm 144:9, Psalm 149:1)

(8) Worship that pleases God is public. (Psalm 96:3)

(9) Worship that pleases God ascribes glory to his name.

(10) God is especially honored when the whole of creation joins in celebrating his goodness and greatness. (Psalm 96:11-13a).

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