TOAM Session 4 Effecting Society By Dave Stroud

TOAM Session 4 Effecting Society By Dave Stroud July 8, 2009

God is not dead as the book recently written by the editor of the Economist said. We do have a voice. We can have a voice. What can we do? What will we do with the influence that God is giving us?

Dave read Daniel 1. He explained that the goal here was to put Babylon into the brightest people. He changes their names first. Jewish names have theological significance, but the Babylonian names were related to the Babylonian gods.

They were prepared to become very familiar with the people they are trying to reach. But there were places that they were not willing to go. He refused to make compromises, saying they would be tainted with sin. He makes a proposal, and is initially turned down. Daniel makes a counter-proposal. This is a great way to bring about change. Go for a trial run! Daniel and his friends end up ten times better.


Daniel has incredible influence.

How churches can have influence

1. What does God value? God values his people, but he also created everything. He cares about everything that happens in Babylon. There are always two camps among Christians. Some say “build the church” others say “get out there and change society” Jesus said we were salt – we get out there and its hard sometimes to tell where the salt and the meat end. But the other metaphor is a light, and a city on a hill. We have to build the church so the people will see. So we need to influence society and build the church.

2. How should we be involved? (Jeremiah 19:4-7, Genesis 12:1-3) Some Christians say, don’t try and change the world. Stay separate, or you will become like them. But the prophet didn’t say that! Jeremiah 29 says go and live in the city. Some of us set up Christian organizations and then shout at the world and tell them what they are doing wrong. That is often unhelpful, though sometimes we do need to speak up for justice. We do need to be confrontational sometimes, but we have to also win hearts. What can I do to help? Scripture encourages us to get into the culture.


Christians have often wanted to look different but in our hearts become very similar. The truth is the opposite. We should look very similar ie in what you wear etc, but in your heart you are very different. We run to a very different set of values. Take confidence in the promises of God that as you get involved you go there to be a blessing. While Jacob is with him, Laban prospers. When Joseph is with him, Potipher prospers. The promises of Abraham are having an effect. Eg the work of Street Pastors, Christians are out on the streets engaging with the gangs and has led to massive reductions in crime.
God cares for everything and we should be incarnational.
3. What should we be thinking? (Daniel 1:6-8)
Most people would rather die than think. We have to think. We need wisdom. There are marks of God’s natural grace in culture we can identify with and delight in. What can we redeem from a culture? Ie things that are not essentially bad, put them back in the proper place. What should we confront in culture? What are the idols that need to be demolished?
4. What should our vision be? Influence but not ultimate transformation in this age. Unpopularity will also be our lot at times.
5. How will things end? (Daniel 1:21) He is there to Cryus comes. He is a forerunner of the age to come as he will send the exiles back. IT ends on a physical earth with physical bodies in the new age. All things will be restored.


What can we as individuals do?

1. Daniel said yes to the opportunities that came his way. He wasn’t passive, but actively gave himself to his work. He didn’t feel ready and prepared. We don’t just need church planters, we need people who will become Christian barristers, and Christian businesspeople, and many other professions.

2. We need teams . We often hear one name, but there is always a team
3. Daniel did not allow cost to deter him (Daniel 1:12-13) He had conquered the flesh. Integrity is often tested. Must neither be corrupt nor negligent. We must be in prime condition. We need to go into strict training and run to win the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24-25) There will be testing. Get sharp. With every test comes a promotion.
4. Daniel and his team were outstanding candidates. Enormous difference in ability. God doesn’t promote people unless they give themselves to become outstanding. Put in the hours Genies is not a born naturally. Its about loving something and giving 10,000 hours to the thing you love. We must value education and secular learning. Look for the favor of God. Live with the fear of the Lord. He sees everything. Live the same in private and public.
5. Daniel continued as a man of prayer and of the Spirit. (Daniel 1:17) Its God who promotes, so Daniel prays.
6. He developed authority or cultural capital. He was someone who was listened to. One person can change the world.

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