First Glimpse Of Raised With Christ – How The Resurrection Changes Everything

First Glimpse Of Raised With Christ – How The Resurrection Changes Everything September 21, 2009

Crossway have shared a brief extract of my forthcoming book over on their blog. Somehow it seems strange to see these words I have spent more than two years working on available for others to read. I guess I better get used to it! So, here it is, your first sight of what is coming:

Jesus’ resurrection really did change everything. It changed the cross from a tragedy into a triumph, and it changed the Roman Empire into a Christian state. This was the most powerful divine event in the history of creation, and it ushered in a new age of the Holy Spirit’s activity and power in saving and transforming lives.
When considering if Christianity is true, it all boils down to whether Jesus rose from the dead. The lives of Christians today demonstrate that the resurrection is still changing people… (Raised With Christ, pp 15)

While on the subject of the book, this is the final week for me to get my edits done. So it really is almost the end of the long but rewarding job writing it has been. Don’t expect much blogging from me, however!

When I started I don’t think I realised how difficult it really is. I am so thankful for the help I have had from so many people. Book writing is totally different from blogging, though I am sure that having had several years of blogging has helped me a lot. I do look forward to unleashing the whole thing on the world very soon, but I suspect it will only be when I am holding a copy of the finished book in my hand that it will finally seem “real”. I genuinely never imagined I would ever write a book, but sometimes what God has in store for us does surprise us.
In the meantime, it has been such a blessing to receive kind endorsements like the ones I have previously shared from Liam Golligher, Eliot Grudem, Terry Virgo and Tope Koleoso. Here are two more:

“This book faithfully expounds the Bible’s teaching on Christ’s resurrection and ours and applies the power of Christ’s resurrection to our lives here and now. Read it and know better the immeasurable greatness of God’s power toward us who believe.”
Bobby Jamieson, Assistant Editor, 9Marks, Washington DC

“Congenital heretics, in every generation, take a fiendish delight in warping the Gospel. The Gospel is centred upon two great facts – Christ’s crucifixion and stand-in death for us to expunge our guilt, and Christ’s return from the grave in his body to secure our salvation and the renewal of all things. The latter is criminally neglected in much preaching and writing. Few books exist that can inspire and excite both preachers and general readers alike concerning the importance of the Resurrection as this one does. Warnock’s bang-up-to-date, big-picture approach is a goldmine of glittering insights, designed to shatter our dulled over-familiarity and rekindle an awed sense of wonder.”
Greg Haslam, Senior Minister, Westminster Chapel, London

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