NWA10 – Wayne Grudem on Scripture

NWA10 – Wayne Grudem on Scripture April 15, 2010

There is no more foundational subject than the doctrine of Scripture.  All the current theological arguments that are causing such disruption in the Church today stem from a lack of confidence in the authority of Scripture. There is no systematic teacher of God’s word who I would rather hear on the subject of why we can trust the Bible. To see a marquee rammed full of people of all ages gathering to listen to Wayne Grudem as he endeavored to increase our confidence in God’s Word was wonderful.

I will not be attempting to blog these talks on the Bible as the content is obviously available in his Systematic Theology.  Wayne was engaging, and there was a strong sense of an encounter with God as he spoke.  I would definitely include Grudem in a list of preachers that any Christian would do well to try and listen to live during their life.  As much as I value book reading and watching or listening to sermons online, there is a spiritual anointing on some preachers that leads to a sense of being in God’s presence that does not fully translate to a non-live experience.  God takes his word and applies it in our hearts as we listen.  I have previously read Grudem on this subject, but listening to him definitely accomplished the purpose of affecting my heart in a positive way. I know this can sound very subjective, but it is this mysterious transaction between hearer and God himself that makes actually attending an event like this, rather than just buying the CD’s, so worthwhile.

I do hope that almost all of my regular readers will have already bought Grudem’s Systematic Theology, but I am sure many of them have not yet read it.  I would encourage you to do so. I was privileged to interview Wayne, and the video will be shared on the site soon, and asked him how do you manage to write a book that size.  His reply was simple and applies just as much to reading it: “One page at a time”.  If you can manage just three pages a day you will have read this in just over a year.  Why not take it down form your shelf, or pick it up from being a doorstep and allow the man who I believe is the foremost popular systematic theologian of his generation teach you what God’s word says about certain subjects.

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