Tope Koleoso on corporate prayer

Tope Koleoso on corporate prayer September 3, 2010

Yesterday I spoke about how Terry Virgo and Tope Koleoso are both great at promoting books. Today I want to highlight another aspect that they both in my view stand out in, and it is one that is even more important. This is their commitment to prayer, and corporate prayer in particular. Prayer is vital to the Christian and in this short video shared by my friend Bryan Mowrey Tope explains why.

At the beginning of the year we captured Tope praying in public at Jubilee, and unusually decided not to remove the prayer from the beginning of his sermon. We shared it then to inspire many to pray especially at points of transition. As we enter the new season, why not pray along with him and add your “Amen” to his prayer as I did this week.

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