Living between the ESV Study Bible and the Spirit Filled Life Bible

Living between the ESV Study Bible and the Spirit Filled Life Bible October 20, 2010

A couple of weeks back, Tope preached a very impactful sermon on the need for us to go on reading God’s word. I have permission to share a short extract from that here, where Tope is in full flow urging people to study God’s word. A line in there made me glad and I know will be of much interest to some of my readers. Tope recommended and uses two study bibles – the ESV Study Bible and the Spirit Filled Life Bible. He acknowledges the point that they do come at certain verses from different angles. But we are happy to live with that degree of tension.

I suppose one could think of those two study bibles as mountains, and it is in the ground in between these that we at Jubilee like to inhabit and call our own. Word and Spirit. Reformed and charismatic. Call it what you will, ultimately we camp in the ground we do, not because of our personalities, nor because of our personal backgrounds, but because we are convinced doctrinally of the biblical truth of these values we cling to. Will you join us in living in the ground inbetween these two study Bibles?

Watch the rest of this sermon

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