Good to Grow by Steve Tibbert

Good to Grow by Steve Tibbert June 19, 2011

It seems that at the moment all my friends are writing books! Steve Tibbert has been at the helm of one of the largest churches in Newfrontiers as it grew to that size. As such he has received attention both from those who assume that any large church must be doing something wrong, and from those who assume it must be doing everything right!

The truth is of course somewhere between those two extremes! I am thrilled that his book, Good to Grow, is about to be released and you can pre-order it now from most good bookstores including Book Depository which will ship worldwide.

My pastor, Tope Koleoso, said this when I asked him his view of this book,

“The vacuum of leadership has always tended to be a limiting factor for the mission of God.  But wherever a Spirit-filled leader is willing to be courageous and angry enough to refuse to settle or accept the status quo because of a grand vision of God’s mission, then God moves.  Through challenges, difficulties, highs and lows, Steve Tibbert’s leadership and King’s Church’s responsiveness, this church has grown and continues to threaten the Kingdom of darkness.  This book shows you how to start to re-envision, how to sustain momentum, and how to refuse to settle.”

Here is the endorsement I wrote for it:

You hold in your hands a book that recounts a captivating story of how our great God has been working through what was once a small church in South East London. When a visiting prophetic team spoke of a vision from the church’s history that had been lost, little did they know that a student of C.H. Spurgeon had began this congregation with a dream of building a 1000 member church. Just a few years later, Kings Church is now one of relatively few British churches that regularly gather more than that number. Some books on church growth erroneously tell you that if you just follow a set of principles you will automatically experience the same results. Others equally wrongly speak only of a sovereign work of God. This book is different. You will see evidence of the grace of God, but you will also learn from both the mistakes and successes of the church’s leadership team. Rick Warren says that any church that is content to stay small is telling the world that they don’t care if they go to hell. God may not be calling your church to be as large as King’s, but he is calling you to faithfully learn from others and apply leadership lessons, and work hard to make disciples of all nations. You may not agree with every aspect of the philosophy of ministry you will find in this book, but reading it will definitely help you better understand the way in which God is calling you to serve in his church.

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