JOHN PIPER ROUND-UP August 13, 2006
As regular readers will already know, I devote space each Friday for quotes from John Piper. Dr. Piper is the preacher of his generation, as Lloyd-Jones was of his own. John combines authentic experiential Christianity with a solid doctrinal foundation. There is no Christian preacher alive whom I think would consistently benefit you more to read or listen to. Fortunately, there is (as far as I know) no Christian preacher alive who has more material available for free on the net!

Later this month a new version of his website will be released which will contain 1800 sermons in audio, manuscript, and sometimes video format. The worldwide church will be immeasurably richer.

Here is a collection of posts from this blog which speak about John Piper or quote from his writings:

Piper to Always Preach From the ESV Bible
Reflecting on Tsunamis and God’s Sovereignty
The Simple Gospel According to John Piper
Penal Substitution
Christ Our Righteousness
The Simple Gospel Saves Marriages
Feeding Them Bible Truth
Why I Like Wrestling
The Divine Transaction
The Effects of Understanding
Do not Deny the Wrath of God
John Piper on ESV
Listen to Why Piper uses ESV
Baptism and Church Membership
Piper on the Baptistm of the Holy Spirit
God is the Gospel
The Marks of a Spiritual Leader
John Piper Has Cancer
The Sovereignty of God and Prayer
Prayer and Preaching
Prayer – We Are at War
How Long O Lord?
Brothers, Pray for Us Pajamas Preachers
Fasting to Drive Us to God
Will Prayer and Fasting Change the World?
Piper the Continuationist
How Prayer Brings God’s Victory
A Religion of Peace
Don’t Waste Your Cancer
Piper on Using Charismatic Gifts
John Piper Resting
Horrifying Commands of Jesus
A Cause to Live For
Worship Jesus
Worship is War
Reactions to Piper’s T4G Message
More from Piper at T4G
Adrian’s Response to Hearing Piper’s Sermon from T4G
Preaching as Expository Exultation
Expository Listening
Using Our Mouths to Impart Grace
Building Our Lives on the Bible
God Did Punish Sin in Jesus
Passion of Jesus Christ
Truth and Pragmatism
Legalism is More Dangerous than Alcoholism
John Piper on Worship
John Piper is Back

Thanks to Paul Schafer for cataloging these posts.

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