More reflections on the Piper Warren Interview

More reflections on the Piper Warren Interview June 3, 2011

Here are some thoughts in my mind as I think more about the interview I linked to earlier this week. Firstly, Warren and Piper clearly respect and love each other greatly.  There are some areas, especially in style, where they disagree.  But they do so as brothers.  They do so as two people who value and prize the Bible and love the God of the Bible.  They do so as people who tremble at God’s word.  They also do so as two people who actually believe the Bible has something clear to say.  There is a lot of clarity in this interview.  A lot of statements of what they both believe.  And in fact, surprisingly to many, a lot of those statements actually agree with each other.  This is a meeting of minds.  It is a meeting around a Book that they both want to take as literally as it is sensible to do.  The contrast between the way Warren and Piper are able to discuss issues together, and the way Rob Bell and myself ended up speaking past each other could not be stronger.

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